Author: <span>therapist</span>


AGM Announcement

Hey Mohawks!

We have now decided on the Mohawks AGM 2012. It will be held on

Friday 27th April
Falmer House room 126 tbc

The AGM is not only my opportunity to talk lots as President but actually the most important date in the Mohawks calender, outside of competitions.

It is your opportunity to ask about how the club has been run over the last year or two and get your opinions across about how you might like the club to be in the coming year. The best way to do this is to run for one of the positions.

Currently our committee looks something like this:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Open Captain
  • Mixed Captian
  • Women’s Captain
  • Vice-Women’s Captain
  • Social Secretary (times 2)
  • Finance Officer
  • Events
  • Merchandise
  • Webmaster (sort of)
  • Coach (sort of)

Hopefully you have a good idea what each of the positions do, in a general sense. Just email the relevant committee member (most easily done from the committee page of the forum) to get more information about it, they’ll be more than happy to answer any questions.

If you want to be a captain then you *might* be leaving it a little late to apply but don’t let that put you off. Captains are decided by this year’s captains, the rest of the positions get decided by a vote at the AGM – so make sure you’re there to a) stand and b) vote! All club members get to vote, and should do. For all positions other than captains you can put yourself forward on the day of the AGM, so don’t necessarily feel you need to apply now, but it might help to get some info from the current member.

I believe that that is enough information for now. Please spread the word about the AGM and make sure you’re there. It’ll take a couple of hours I imagine BUT it is actually quite good fun.

And bring biscuits.

Mohawk Emails

IMPORTANT: Regionals this weekend!

Hey folks,

If you are playing regionals this weekend then good on you! A few things that I require, however, are your phone number and sports fed number (8 digit RegNo on your student ID).

Please fill in this form:

ASAP. I need this information to give to the Student’s Union.

Thanks. If you have not yet paid for regionals then shame on you! Please pay £25 into:

Mr Callum Smith

And email [email protected] once you’ve completed the paying task, otherwise we will assume you have not paid. Callum will produce a list of people in debt to be shamed on Wednesday at training, so don’t be that person (please). Or have a credible excuse if you are, indeed, going to be that person. We need the money in order to pay for fuel and the vehicle hire so do us all a favour and pay up. If you’ve credit in your account then obviously don’t worry, but make sure you do have credit!

As ever, when you email, please say useful things:

Dear Callum,

Richard here. I have transferred £50 into your account for regionals under the reference “Therapist Regionals”. The £50 is for myself and [OTHER MOHAWK] so please accept that [OTHER MOHAWK] has paid too.

Let me know of any problems and I will be more than happy to do what I can to rectify the issues,

Yours, most gracefully,

Richard Roberts BSc

ALSO, massive congratulations our Women’s team for taking 9th at Indoor Nationals in Stoke this weekend just gone. By the sounds of it, Saturday’s are not worthwhile really, so nice work on winning everything on Sunday and bringing home some silverware as Plate Champions!


Fill in the form, pay up, and good job women!


Mohawk Emails

Monies still owed

Hey folks,

I’m sure you’re all aware about the extra money we need to pay for kit, unfortunately. Thanks to those who’ve paid. Plenty of people have not. According to Spoon’s ([email protected]) records the people on the bottom of this email have not yet paid. Please do so ASAP so that the club can breathe again.

Thank you.

In other news – go to an extra indoor session on Saturday – 10am-Midday. it’ll cost you £2 but be completely worth it. You’ll receive coaching and can work on throws and have a really useful time, so don’t miss out. It’ll get you out of bed, active and having lots of fun.

Also, charity tournament begins in 40mins. £2.50 for Sport Relief.

You can still order extra coloured kit (see and young women (born 1993 or later) should check this page: and ALL WOMEN should check this: about playing ultimate in the summer.

That’s all for me, the kit debt list is:

NB: Please, if you’re going to regionals, pay £25 for that, too.

Alex Buckley – £6
James Horsfield – £6
Natalie Hunnerman – £6
Nina Anderson – £6
Carolyn Ireland – £6
Alex Armitage – £6
Jonas Henke – £3
Jon Kit-Chan – £6
Josh George – £6
Tobias Pietrowski – £6
Starzy – £6
Severin Skillman – £6
Sam Airey – £6
Rob Ellis – £6
Edward Pocock – £6
Ann-Kathrin Koeller – £6
Tim Thorley – £6
Kyle Shurtz – £6
Faron Young – £6
Ashley Yeo – £6
Pete Howarth – £3
Benji Rees – £3
Please pay:
Mr Callum Smith
Account No: 27175839
Sort code: 603009
And don’t forget to email [email protected] & [email protected] with your name, how much you’ve paid and your reference on the bank transfer.
Mohawk Emails

Extra Kit Order (to be delivered at Paga)

Hey one and all,

Some of you may know that I ordered a long sleeve white Mohawks top but unfortunately it was not ordered, and I’m quite sad about this. HOWEVER, there is a light at the end of the tunnel if any of you would like to help me out…

Check this page for the best information:

If any of you want ANY shirts (ANY colour) but, importantly, with black print then reply to this email or reply on that forum page. You need to do this by tomorrow please! And it would really make me smile if we were able to get an order off. So, maybe you would like a spare red, or a green shirt, or a long sleeve white, or a yellow/blue/orange/etc with the Mohawks logo and your number. If so then order away! It’s cheaper, too, and totally worth it!

Help a brother (and a President) out,



Super Important Update!

You all should have your nice kit by now. Looking sexy, of course. Quick thing though – the import tax was more than previously thought so we’re going to have to charge you an extra £3.00 per item but a maximum of £6 regardless of how much you’ve ordered. Please pay this ASAP as we owe Disc Doctors quite a bit of money right now (in excess of £300, and that don’t look good from us). Very sorry that we’re having to do this, very unavoidable.

Please pay:
Mr Callum Smith
Account No: 27175839
Sort code: 603009

email Spoon and Callum once you’re paid up. [email protected] and [email protected]. If you fail to email then we will assume that you have not paid, and so will chase you up. Make sure the email has useful information in it, not something crap like:

“Hey guys,
Just paid some monies.
Laterz boyz.

Be useful and instead write:

“Dear Callum and Spoon,
I have just paid £6.00, this is because I ordered three items of clothing.
My reference is: “Therapist kit”
Hope that is OK, let me know of any problems.

If you really want then you can bring the money to training on Wednesday. ONLY CORRECT MONEY WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Thank you in advance.

Young Women (born 1993 or later)
Go to GB U20’s trials. Check this page:  of the forum for details but DEFINITELY GO!

Training this Sunday (indoors)
…is at 7:30-9pm. As a one off. This will be geared towards women’s things (as it has been in 2012) so don’t be surprised if the women boss you about!

Training week 7
Mixed from 1-2:30. Kneetu WILL be in touch, won’t he Kneetu? If in doubt then please hassle him ([email protected]). Normal training from 2:30pm as ever.

Socials next week
Open regionals team specific – please make an effort to get to them and have some fun and bonding with your regionals team. I know that these have not been announced to the masses yet but they will be soon. You’ll hear from your captain very soon I imagine *hopeful grin*

Pay extra for kit (sorry) and be at trainings/socials soon.

Ciao for now,


Blog Posts

Effort, desire, willingness, success

Sunday 29th January 2012 was, for me, a day spent mostly in my pyjamas watching two phenomenal athletes battle for the prestige of becoming Australian Open Champion (in men’s tennis). I don’t use the word “battle” lightly, either. Near on 6 hours of gruelling competition resulting in Novak Djokovic taking the title and further cementing his position as the best player in tennis at the current time.The winner, to me at least, didn’t really matter. I enjoy watching tennis and didn’t mind either man winning (I was gunning for a Murray vs Federer final) and cared less about the result the further the match went on. I know it is a cliché to say that neither man deserved to be beaten, so I shall refrain from saying that, but the effort put in by both men was beyond that which I have ever seen.

The end result became secondary for me as a spectator: the reasons for me continuing to watch the match deep into its sixth hour were more to see if both men would actually survive. They did. It was extraordinary. I was reminded of a video of two women completing an “Iron Man” competition where confusion, delirium and exhaustion take over as the women crawl over the line. It’s painful watching and whilst neither Nadal nor Djokovic were at that end, there were times when both men’s faces looked like they could give no more.

And yet, from somewhere, they both produced some breathtaking tennis in the final set. I was constantly clapping and cheering (they couldn’t hear me, I know) in exclamation at what both men were producing. There was one point where Djokovic was walking slightly oddly, and behind his eyes he looked defeated, gone, but he managed to win the match! I honestly thought that Djokovic wouldn’t make it, that he would fall over in exhaustion (which he did, once) and just not be able to continue. But he showed fight, grit and determination the like of which I have never seen before in my life.

All this given that, not only was he facing Rafael Nadal – arguably the fittest man on the tennis tour, but he was doing so having played for 5 hours two days beforehand against Murray, a day after Nadal had beaten Federer. The big question I am asking is simply HOW Djokovic managed to do it?

How do you possibly train for a six hour battle where you know that your opponent gives you nothing for free? How do you keep the focus and determination to win, when your opponent is looking fresh and ready to go, no matter how many times you seem to beat them? What was going on in both of the players’ minds is beyond me. I cannot begin to comprehend how those two men must have felt when the match was finally over. And fair play to Nadal who came round the net to hug the victor in his congratulations, a huge sporting act from a man who never ceases to amaze me.

I saw a tweet midway through the match that said something along the lines of “If you had 11 men with this much desire on a football team you would have world beaters instantly”. I don’t disagree with this but does this mean that, for example, footballers don’t put the same effort that these two men did? Surely not. Surely their desire to succeed is the same as Djokovic and Nadal’s and so surely they would, if need be, look as broken as those men did at the end of the match. Maybe this is not a fair analogy since football matches ALWAYS have a definite end point so maybe it is not possible for the footballers to put the same energy into their play but I’m sure that if Nadal played football then no fan would ever deny his effort for the team – he would break himself for his end goal: success.

I hope, as a result of watching this tennis match I will be reminded of how to keep going and keep fighting when the going gets tough. Much like in tennis, when playing ultimate you are not beaten until the instant where the other team gets a winning score. I really like that as it differs from the likes of football where time can stop you from mounting a victorious strike. So even if I am feeling beaten and like I cannot go on I will keep fighting and make my opponents beat me.

Don’t get me wrong, I need to prepare myself for such times. There is no way that Djokovic could have been that strong without preparing his body beforehand (and we were all impressed with how ripped he is when he tore his shirt from his body at the end) and so there is absolutely no chance that I am letting my physical condition be anything other than as good as I can make it. I will put everything I possibly can do to make sure that I can do everything in my power to help my team succeed. And I will ask you, if you won’t do that, why not?

For Djokovic and Nadal the only thing that mattered on that Sunday (Monday morning, Australia time) was winning that match. But it was not just about that one 6 hour period, but about all the preparation work beforehand. They both did everything in their power to ensure that they were able to finish that match, but not just finish it – they were both physically and mentally prepared to play their best tennis possible on the brink of exhaustion and do whatever they could to win*. It was mesmerising and, more importantly, inspiring.

I will make absolutely sure that I do nothing that will hinder my chances of being physically able to compete to the best of my ability at the back end of nationals. Djokovic and Nadal played some of their best tennis after a ridiculous time on court and so, I hope it motivates me to train hard enough to mean that I play my best ultimate deep into competitions.

If I put in the effort, have the desire and willingness to train, I will be successful.

*Within the rules, of course.

Blog Posts

Learning to cut… at the end of my third…

Welcome, to the blog of me, Therapist. I won’t blog as regularly as the regulars here but when I get some sort of motivation or inspiration I will put my thoughts down, check that they’re OK with somebody who is better at writing than me and then send them your way. They will range from anything I fancy writing about in Ultimate frisbee, I hope you like my thoughts.


I have never struggled to get free of people and get the disc in my hand at university level. I have scored goals by reacting quickly to a handler getting the disc in a good position or merely outpacing my mark and letting a handler pop a disc into just the right place for me, but never before playing for the GB Beach Open team did I learn to get free of people for fun.

At university level I have played my fair bit of offense and been an easy(ish) reset at times by running back on a cycle play or running break side for a swing continuation. But I always let others use the open lane to get free and work it there – I considered myself a reset if the handler got stuck. The point here is that I never really “cut” and by that I mean going through the mechanics and motions of running one way, changing direction sharply and going back the other to receive a disc easily. Playing for GB Beach, however, I found myself on the O line with nowhere to hide and was left frustrated because of my inability to shake my man, or not being fast enough to solely rely on flat line speed and not longer being “just” a reset when required.

As a quick aside, for Brighton 1 I have tended to stand pretty still on offense to save my energy for defense where I felt more useful. This stems from a lack of confidence on disc to the extent that I didn’t want the disc unless physically scoring. So my lack of cutting at Tour, whilst not very helpful, has not been too detrimental (I hope).

We had a variety of set plays that we were playing through. I knew the plays and I knew where I was supposed to receive the disc, or at least be available to receive a disc should the rest of the play be blocked elsewhere. However, all too often I made a run (notice, NOT cut) into the space I was meant to be and wouldn’t be free enough. More often than not the rest of the play had worked OK so it wasn’t too much of an issue but a good amount of the time I was not helping out offense out at all and so it made it trickier.

There was one play in particular where I was a wide up-field player in horizontal stack and I just had to come under to clear space and receive a swing pass if need be – I just ran under with my man on my shoulder. At uni level this was often OK, at Burla/Paga this had done me fine, heck, at trials for the GB Beach team I had got free plenty but suddenly, with somebody experienced on my shoulder I was not a free man, and that annoyed me.

I think I got told three times before I finally made a “cut” for that particular play. People weren’t annoyed with me when they told me (it was three separate people so perhaps I got lucky in that sense) but wanted me to get free in the right place at the right time. My problem was not just that I was not free enough should the handler want to throw me the disc but actually, since I had not tried to make my D go long at all first but merely run towards the space I need to occupy I was there too early and so by the time the handler looked at me I probably was not even in the ideal space and so them giving the disc up to me was actually now a bad option.

On the third such being told I actually took on board the advice and lo and behold, it worked! My man bit on my deep fake (just 3 or 4 hard steps and he was a gonna – too scared of me I reckon) and I streaked free under just in time for the handler to hit me with a 10 or 15 metre gain. I had time to compose myself before my mark got to me and reset the disc to a moving handler who punted it long to a free guy deep (who had probably sent his man the wrong way under looking for a swing) – the play worked and finally I was a part of it!

The rest of the week was a dream – I was scared of very few people and felt I could get free of them for fun. I took this to Burla (more relaxed, I fully appreciate, and the old style me could still have got free most of the time) and felt I played really well and was finally able to dominate O points like I had always wanted to, and all because I had learnt to cut properly.

The point, though, to this here blog, is that I learned this fundamental part of ultimate at the end of my third year of playing, so much like Shim is saying in his blog series (that he learns new things every week, even though he has been playing for 6 or 7 decades) I learned something huge whilst being, in university circles, an “experienced” player. I had been a captain for two of three years playing without ever really learning how to cut effectively, which in hindsight is pretty terrible.

I always taught people to cut properly (hence Ashley always having cut well – that was me, not Felix, or anyone else, maybe) and shown them in demonstrations the mechanics of cutting but when it came down to the crunch I didn’t do it and relied on reaction time and speed to get free. Now, however, I feel like a good cutter and back myself to get free of most people most of the time – and end up in a good position!

From this blog post then, you should take that you can always learn something and quite often you can still improve on the fundamentals of your game even if you’ve been playing ages. Don’t ever think that you’ve got the basics down to such an extent that you don’t need to work on them. Challenge yourself – get somebody with a huge force to mark you and make them bite on your fakes, get somebody who you have never gotten free of before to mark you and make them fall over trying to change direction when you do or watch me make anybody look like a chump. You can improve on all aspects of your game, so why not try?

Regards, and best of luck improving your basics!

Mohawk Emails

URGENT: Training Today – 25/01/2012

Hello Hawks,

Sorry for short notice about this but training is officially cancelled today.

Unofficially it is not – in that we will be doing things very similar to normal training, just not on Russell’s clump. This also means that, if you do come along (please do) then you’re playing at your own risk, and not necessarily training with the University of Sussex Ultimate Frisbee team.

Sorry for late notice in this, I got told at 09:16 this morning and have just logged onto email for the day.

To sum up: people will be playing frisbee, just NOT on Russell’s Clump today. Their playing will take much the same form as training so at 1pm there will be some Mixed Ultimate going on (ALL women, Kneetu has invited men) and then from 2:30pm the “usual” stuff will happen.

Laters team,


Mohawk Emails

Week 3

Hello everybody, how doing

Just a couple of ultimate related thoughts for you as you tackle the third week of Spring term, not too many but one or two!


So far we have three blogs written for your enjoyment. Thanks to Shim, Meg & Taxi for their contributions thus far – I look forward to the next set. Please read them everybody, and comment. They’re good stuff and those guys have spent a while preparing them and putting them up for you to read, so get on it and show some love! Have a discussion about the points they raise and challenge them, and each other.

These are accessed via the homepage.


This week from 13:00-14:30 we are doing Mixed specific training. If you’re a girl then please come along! If you’re a guy then Kneetu will be in touch. If he doesn’t then please come from 14:30. You’re welcome to come earlier for a throw around but won’t be able to join in with the Mixed stuff.

If in doubt: email Kneetu ([email protected]) and he will let you know. I’m not a boss of training so I am fairly clueless.


I have not been told of anything in particular for this week. I would love it if you all came to Falmer bar after training, mind. If there is one this week then Pete/Faron will post it up somewhere, if they’ve recovered from last week’s one yet, that is.


See you soon folks,

Rapist out

Mohawk Emails

Small Update

Hey one and all, how doing?

Just a few things going on that I would like to bring your attention to…


We are going starting to announce things through the homepage much more now and, if I get my way, less of the informative stuff that doesn’t need a discussion necessarily will not go onto the forum as often. What this means is that you need to check the homepage more often and use the tabs there. You will notice that I added this week’s social to the social tab on the homepage – go check it out! [It is just Faron’s forum post, skillfully copied and pasted into that section – I’m pretty good].

AND you will be able to read this email again, and again, and again, by clicking on the “Mohawk Emails” (or “Mohawk News” as I am putting it there, too) tab on the homepage. Lucky you!


Again there is a post about this on the homepage so please go read. Training for the masses begins at 14:30 on Wednesday. Currently the 13:00 slots have been Open/Women divide but at some choice weeks they will be a mixed session meaning that a slightly different subsection of the club will be invited from 1pm. Captains will announce this soon (on the homepage!) so if you hear that it is a Mixed week and Kneetu has not been in touch then come along at 14:30, even if you *normally* come at 13:00 when it is Open & Womens. Hope this makes sense – don’t worry too much. Captains will be in touch I am sure if anything changes from the previous couple of weeks.


These exist. As I said, check the homepage for details of this week’s (Friday night at Lucky Voice from 20:30, just for the record). Come along – it’ll be fun. Its not often you get the chance to share a cocktail with yours truly so don’t waste the chance. Get your work done (or save it until the weekend) and come along, even if just for a little bit. I’ll be wearing normal clothes and will be fairly clean shaven so its an opportunity too good to be missed, so don’t miss it!


With love from Therapist