Category: <span>Mohawk News</span>


AGM Summary

Hey all,

Thanks for those that attended the AGM last Friday. Sorry we overran by about 25 minutes,  I did my best to keep it within 2 hours but these things inevitably carry on a little bit. Hopefully it was enjoyable for all and thanks for all of your feedback from the year and ideas going forward – we appreciate it all (all the time) so if you’ve over thoughts then let me know. It is important that the committee represents the club so its up to you do ask stuff of us!

Minutes and suchlike can her found here:

Please add comments to this forum topic:

Sorry about the lack of proper hyperlinks, just use your copy and paste functions. AND if your comments/thoughts are more specific then feel free to start a new topic on the Mohawk Discussion part of the forum.

One thing that you as members need to do is to nominate people to enter the Hall of Fame. If you’ve somebody in mind then please send them to me. If you are submitting somebody then please get a seconding (and a thirding I reckon) from people who agree with you that somebody should be included. Then the committee will vote on them and at the awards dinner announce who has been entered, with some sort of cap.

The email should be of this form:

I [your name], and [seconder’s/thirder’s names] would like to nominate [nominee’s name] to be entered into the Mohawks Hall of Fame.

The reasons are: bla bla bla

NB: I think we said that people entering the hall of fame should at least be leaving the club this year. Maybe we said a year AFTER they leave but that might be too long. So for now, don’t nominate anybody who is still going to be a student next year, but anybody leaving – feel free to nominate them! Or anybody who left a while back. I will let BU know soon, too.

That’s all from me for now. Congratulations and good luck new committee!


Mohawk Emails

AGM is tonight!

Hey all, AGM tonight, 7pm, Falmer House Room 126.
The AGM is for all club members whether you’re standing for a position or not. Therefore I really, really urge you to come and also drag any other Mohawks with you that you might see. There are only a finite number of excuses that I will accept but please do tell somebody if you’re not coming along, or, alternatively, just come along.
So, that’s Falmer House Room 126, 7pm, tonight.
Please, also, bring some biscuits. We will struggle to make tea in that room but biscuits can nearly make up for it, and if we all bring a packet of biscuits then we will all get to eat a packet of biscuits.
If you’ve any input for the AGM before the AGM (tonight at 7pm in Flamer House Room 126) then please email me: [email protected] and I will either read it out or discuss it with the committee before the AGM. Don’t be scared!
See you ALL tonight,
Mohawk Emails

AGM Reminder


Hopefully people have been reminding one another about the AGM tomorrow night from 7pm in Falmer House Room 126. It is above the Union shop in Falmer house.

That is:

Friday 27th April


Falmer House Room 126


OK. No excuses. Be there. I will attach a rough agenda to the forum post about it later on.

Tomorrow, 7pm, Falmer House Room 126.



Mohawk Emails

Training 25th April

Hey Guys

So we technically havn’t hired Russels clump any more, because it is after all our important tournaments so we don’t need to  train any more (apparantly!!) But I know some of you will still want to play some fun ultimate games and stuff 🙂 Can you just make sure that you go and play on Stanmer Park rather than the clump because we dont want to mess the pitches up 🙂  I think some of us experienced players will most probably be having to do stupid dissertations 🙁 But we are most definitely up for meeting in Falmer bar when you guys have finished playing to catch up and have some dinner 🙂

Hopefully see you all a bit later

Lucy xxx


A message from your delighted President

I’m not quite sure where to begin with this email, to be honest. Words cannot quite sum up how happy I was the instant the Open team won nationals this weekend just gone, and then not 10 minutes later for the Women to follow suit. The pandemonium was beyond what I knew possible – huge congratulations to all. Oh, and my father says: “Jolly good”.

As Taxi has said – we are the best university club in the country right now and nobody can deny that. Other universities have had “their time” or something like that but right now the time is ours. What we have to do is make sure that we keep the time being ours for the foreseeable future…

For now though, revel in the glory of this victory for the club. It is everybody’s win, not just those playing or spectating or looking at Twitter – every Mohawk out there is a part of this monumental achievement. So to all of you: enjoy the moment and celebrate.

I remember after our successes of last season Beezer wrote something about the importance of just how great we are and it is the same again this year. We heard from the sideline at one point during the finals “are Mohawks going to win everything again?” Yep. To win both the Open and Women’s division after the hassle of getting to Manchester is nothing short of miraculous and I cannot congratulate everybody enough.

Words are failing me right now, I cannot quite take in what we’ve achieved this year so for now I am going to sit back and smile, safe in the knowledge that we are the best, and long may it continue. I am humbled to be a member of this club and so proud of everybody. Thank you all, so much.

Once a Mohawk. Always a Mohawk.


Varsity Teams and Information

These are the teams for tomorrow. If you have emailed me and haven’t been put on a team then please get into contact as soon as possible, I am very sorry for any mistakes. If you have not yet got into contact with me then please do so ASAP and I will try to accommodate you.


Please meet at 12 noon at the underpass at the front of campus to walk to the pitch on Brighton campus. Open game will be at 12.30 and mixed game at 1.30. The aggregate score of the two games will decide the winner.


Open Team







Rob Ellis





Mixed Team


















Hey Mohawks,


We have Varisty (Sussex vs Brighton) this Wednesday. We have an Open game and Mixed game and will take the aggregate score from the two. The teams will be picked on both ability AND commitment. If you want to play please email [email protected].


Lucy, Kneetu, Rhona and myself will pick the teams by Tuesday evening. If you don’t want to play please still come and watch. It’s on the astro turf at Brighton uni.




AGM Announcement

Hey Mohawks!

We have now decided on the Mohawks AGM 2012. It will be held on

Friday 27th April
Falmer House room 126 tbc

The AGM is not only my opportunity to talk lots as President but actually the most important date in the Mohawks calender, outside of competitions.

It is your opportunity to ask about how the club has been run over the last year or two and get your opinions across about how you might like the club to be in the coming year. The best way to do this is to run for one of the positions.

Currently our committee looks something like this:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Open Captain
  • Mixed Captian
  • Women’s Captain
  • Vice-Women’s Captain
  • Social Secretary (times 2)
  • Finance Officer
  • Events
  • Merchandise
  • Webmaster (sort of)
  • Coach (sort of)

Hopefully you have a good idea what each of the positions do, in a general sense. Just email the relevant committee member (most easily done from the committee page of the forum) to get more information about it, they’ll be more than happy to answer any questions.

If you want to be a captain then you *might* be leaving it a little late to apply but don’t let that put you off. Captains are decided by this year’s captains, the rest of the positions get decided by a vote at the AGM – so make sure you’re there to a) stand and b) vote! All club members get to vote, and should do. For all positions other than captains you can put yourself forward on the day of the AGM, so don’t necessarily feel you need to apply now, but it might help to get some info from the current member.

I believe that that is enough information for now. Please spread the word about the AGM and make sure you’re there. It’ll take a couple of hours I imagine BUT it is actually quite good fun.

And bring biscuits.

Mohawk Emails

Regionals Final Team List and Information

Hey Everyone,


Regionals is coming up this weekend and if you are on the list below then you are currently confirmed to play. If you are not on the list you have 24 hours to contact me. If you are on the list and haven’t paid Callum then you need to NOW. If you haven’t paid by Thursday evening you will not be able to play. You must fill in the Google spreadsheet that Rich posted on the Mohawks homepage within the next day. Finally you need to have UKU membership. If you played indoor regionals then you should already have this. If you did not play indoors or did not buy the membership then you need to do so before Friday. Tpo do this go to this page then sign up for one of the membership options. If you are planning on playing tour at all then I suggest you buy the full membership for students and under 18s if you are only planning on playing this tournament then you only need the basic one. You then need to go to this page and ask to join the team.


First Team



Second Team



Third Team

Jon Kit Chan
Ed Pocock


There will be a transport plan sorted later this week and I have attached the Schedule and Captain’s Pack to this post/email. We will be getting there for 9am so you will need to be on campus outside Lancaster House by 7.50am at the latest.


You will need to bring the following,

  • Sleeping bag + roll matt/something to sleep on.
  • Warm clothes to wear before and after games
  • Waterproofs (it’s likely to rain)
  • Clothes for the party (it’s only in the SU bar so not particularly dressy)
  • Football boots
  • Full Mohawks kit
  • Toiletries
  • Money
  • Food for lunch (there’s a bar but it’s not cheap)
  • Bin bags to keep your bag dry
  • Student Card + ID (to get into the party)


It is required that you do not go inside the bar whilst wearing you boots and your bags must be stored outside (hence the bin bags).


On a final note, I hope this does not apply to any of you but I need to say this. Whilst I don’t have any problem with you having fun at the party please do not do anything stupid such as getting on the roofs of buildings, causing disturbances near the residences or causing any damage. We are lucky to have been given the chance to come back this year and stay that the venue after some of the behaviour last year. Anyone seen causing any trouble may be banned from future Mohawks tournaments.


Any questions please comment.


See you soon.


Mohawk Emails

IMPORTANT: Regionals this weekend!

Hey folks,

If you are playing regionals this weekend then good on you! A few things that I require, however, are your phone number and sports fed number (8 digit RegNo on your student ID).

Please fill in this form:

ASAP. I need this information to give to the Student’s Union.

Thanks. If you have not yet paid for regionals then shame on you! Please pay £25 into:

Mr Callum Smith

And email [email protected] once you’ve completed the paying task, otherwise we will assume you have not paid. Callum will produce a list of people in debt to be shamed on Wednesday at training, so don’t be that person (please). Or have a credible excuse if you are, indeed, going to be that person. We need the money in order to pay for fuel and the vehicle hire so do us all a favour and pay up. If you’ve credit in your account then obviously don’t worry, but make sure you do have credit!

As ever, when you email, please say useful things:

Dear Callum,

Richard here. I have transferred £50 into your account for regionals under the reference “Therapist Regionals”. The £50 is for myself and [OTHER MOHAWK] so please accept that [OTHER MOHAWK] has paid too.

Let me know of any problems and I will be more than happy to do what I can to rectify the issues,

Yours, most gracefully,

Richard Roberts BSc

ALSO, massive congratulations our Women’s team for taking 9th at Indoor Nationals in Stoke this weekend just gone. By the sounds of it, Saturday’s are not worthwhile really, so nice work on winning everything on Sunday and bringing home some silverware as Plate Champions!


Fill in the form, pay up, and good job women!
