Author: <span>therapist</span>



From the forum:

Yo Faron here, just to let you people know Pete and I have decided to have this weeks social on a friday. Crazy right? We’ll be going to a cocktail bar called lucky voice for some cheap drinks, all very nice and the people behind the bar are very talented. 2 cocktails for 6.50 before 10. After that we’ll be going to digital for some 1 pound drink stonelove bonanza which will inevitably be a good night out. Hope to see you all as drunk as us on friday :). Meet at Lucky Voice at 8.30. It’s basically on the seafront next to the Jamie Oliver restaurant. If you don’t know where it is I’ll tell you on wednesday or google map it. See yuz then! :cool1:

Mohawk Emails

Paying for tournaments… up front!

Hello all,

Before your relevant captain starts chasing you up about paying for tournaments, why not pay now? The time is coming where Lucy, Ash & Kneetu all have to fork out loads of cash so that YOU can play at tournaments. That’s no fun, so don’t make them do it. If you pay the Mohawks account now (check this thread: on the how to pay stuff) then you won’t be chased up privately or publically. So, don’t make me email you a guilt email in the next few weeks, pay up now and get it done with.

The tournaments this term are Women’s Indoor Regionals (and nationals hopefully!), Open Outdoor Regionals and Mixed Outdoor Nationals. So, if you’re a girl you’ll most likely play at least two tournament this term (we’re hoping to get two teams to Mixed Outdoor nationals, meaning we’ll need the women! Kneetu will be in touch, or maybe he has been) so please put £50 in, and if you’ve said you want to play at Open Outdoor Nationals then that’s an extra £25 as we’ll hopefully get enough teams entered. If you’re a bloke then you’ve at least got Open Outdoor Regionals to pay for, and some of you will have Mixed, too. Kneetu will confirm who.

So please make our life easy and drop some money into the account so that you’re in credit! Maybe Callum will publish who has what money in the next day or two so you can be sure. But if in doubt follow the instructions on that link posted earlier and pay up!

Lovely, super, thanks.

Oh! on the open outdoor regionals front – check out this thread: and sign up if you’re interested. Don’t make Ashley have to chase you up to see if you can play! Make his life easy.

Ciao for now folks,


Mohawk Emails

Sunday trainings this term

Hey one and all,

The committee have had a chat and feel it is right that Sunday trainings (the indoor slot) should primarily be for the women as they still have indoor competitions this term. This means that if you are a male coming along please bring both indoor shoes and your football boots. If the weather is OK then we will head outside and let the women use the time more productively.

If you’ve real issues with this idea then please say so, but bear in mind that this has been put in place so that the women have the best opportunity possible to prepare fully for their indoor season. This also means that women should make a huge effort to come along to the indoor session to make Lucy’s life wonderful. If only three women turn up then obviously we will stick to most people being indoors (I imagine).

Hope to see you all tomorrow!


Mohawk Emails

Spring term from Therapist

Hey all, happy 2012.

Sorry this is a couple of days late, I will say that I have been busy. Yep. Busy. Anyway, welcome back. I hope you’re all nicely setlling back into Uni life and learning lots, just a couple of quick things about this week.

Check the homepage for details on training. As an aside – hopefully the homepage will be used a bit more this coming term so keep checking it for details of trainings/socials/etc – they won’t all be posted on the forum (probably).

As for social on Wednesday – nothing official planned yet but be sure to plan Wednesday evening in Falmer bar, with a view to probably going some place slightly more exciting. We’ll see. Either way, after training come along to Falmer bar and hang out for a while.

That’s all for now. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


Mohawk Emails

Christmas reminder

Hello, Therapist again

If you don’t know when Christmas is then this year it will be on Sunday 25th December, all day. If you go to a midnight mass then you will experience the first part of Christmas day at the time when the first part is, and not a second later. If you go to bed so as not to intercept Santa Claus then you will most likely miss the first part and so your Christmas day will begin some hours into the actual day.

Hope that clears that up.


If you’ve no idea what I am talking about then check out this forum topic and fill in the form to tell Jessie that you’re coming. Book yourself into ice skating if that’s what you’re into.

More soon, see you at training tomorrow (come across Stanmer park if you don’t want to invoke the picket line wrath).


Mohawk Emails

General Update (Christmas is coming!)

Ahoy hoy,

Just a quick thing:


Order kit. Pay for kit. Check it out here


The first of the three annual Christmas social has been announced. Read about it and definitely sign up. Do so now to make Jessie’s job easier. As a quick thing: in week 10 be at training for fun times and then the Thursday night we’ll be going out in fancy dress. Week 10 is the best week of the year social wise.


Follow @MohawksUltimate or @RJRoberts89 on twitter for an as up-to-date account of whats going on at nationals as possible.

Lovely, I had best get ready. Catch ya soon!






Mohawk Emails

Order Kit!

Hey one and all,

Just to say that if you have not already done so then you need to order kit, now really.

So, go to this forum page and read the relevant information and get ordering… there’s not much time left!

If you don’t get kit then you will regret it. Also, you probably won’t match anybody else at tournaments because we don’t have much spare kit so just get some. It’ll last ages and you will love it and wear it loads and loads and loads. Also, Mohawks kit is the sexiest around so you’ll be the envy of EVERYBODY else in the world, probably.

Catch you all soon



Mohawks at SEUMIR

Last weekend (November 5th & 6th) Mohawks sent three teams to Mixed Indoor Regionals. I will mention quickly that no other team sent three teams so instant well done to the club and its members for being enthusiastic enough to go, and good job Kneetu for making it a reality.

A full tournament report will be written soon but just quickly, result wise the weekend was fantastic: Mohawks 1 finished second, Mohawks Basketball finished fourth and Mohawks 3 ended up 14th, beating a huge number of second teams on their way, too.

Fantastic weekend everybody, and good luck to those heading off to nationals in a few weeks time.