Category: <span>Mohawk Emails</span>

Mohawk Emails


If you would like to come to the awards dinner then the last chance to sign up and pay is tomorrow (Wednesday 30th May).

The menus are:

Non-Vegetarian option:

Tomato and Basil Soup

Maize Fed supreme of Chicken, served with champagne chive sauce, roasted chateau potatoes, turned carrots and courgettes

Sticky Toffee Pudding


Vegetarian option:

Tomato and Basil Soup

Vegetable Tarte Tatin

Sticky Toffee Pudding

The form is below


Yet more confirmation that we are the BEST!

Hey ‘Hawks.

This is and email from Dave who compiled a system of working out which teams are the strongest in University Ultimate. Makes me so proud to be a Mohawk and I hope it makes you proud too!

Last year, I put together a table consolidating the season’s tournaments at
University level*, across all divisions, to try and gauge the performances
of our clubs from a perspective different to where teams finished at
individual Nationals events, but by taking into account performances by
second/third/fourth teams, across all of open, women’s and mixed. The aim,
therefore is to show the strength of our many university clubs through
their depth and ability to field strong sides across all formats of the

I accept that this may, of course, be a flawed system, but given feedback
received last year (and the number of people who’ve asked when this year’s
is coming out…!), I felt it a worthwhile exercise once again to see how
our clubs have fared in 2011/12.

Using a points system similar to that used at Tour, clubs were awarded a
certain number of points dependent on their finishing position, and also
the number of teams at a given tournament (coming 15th out of 24 is more
impressive than out of 16), and where second/third/fourth teams were
involved, these numbers were combined to give one overall club score.
Nationals was given double the weighting of Regionals. Also, in instances
where clubs entered in cohorts with another club, both received half of the
points their combined team earned.

The points were all totalled up, and ranked to give a co-efficient for each
club; the top side gaining 1000.00, and lower ranked clubs given a
proportional scoring. The outcome of which is below.

* Incidentally, last year’s table can be found here:

Key highlights:

-Sussex are once again, the strongest club in the country.
-Bristol are ‘most improved’, moving from 30th in 2011, to 8th in 2012.
Credit also to Loughborough, Nottingham Trent, York and Imperial, who’ve
seen massive rises.
-Newcastle, Durham, Leeds & Surrey all drop out of the top 20.
-Southampton storm into the top 2, up from 14th last year.
-Northumbria are ‘best new entry’ coming in at 61st.

1.       Sussex (1000.00)

2.       Southampton (825.7)

3.       Edinburgh (802.2)

4.       Dundee (713.7)

5.       Manchester (702.5)

6.       Loughborough (695.6)

7.       Exeter (689.4)

8.       Bristol (639.9)

9.       St Andrews (623.9)

10.   Portsmouth (562.7)

11.   Cardiff (558.8)

12.   Nottingham (557.2)

13.   Oxford (521.1)

14.   Bath (514.3)

15.   Cambridge (475.5)

16.   Birmingham (458.1)

17.   Imperial (441.8)

18.   Aberdeen (432.9)

19.   York (425.8)

20.   Warwick (411.4)

21.   Newcastle (393.6)

22.   Sheffield (370.7)

23.   Lancaster (355.5)

24.   KCL (354.6)

25.   Durham (332.2)

26.   Leeds (314.5)

27.   UCL (309.7)

28.   UEA (309.4)

29.   Leicester (258.9)

30.   Bangor (253.8)

31.   Liverpool (252.0)

32.   Kent (251.7)

33.   Stirling (250.9)

34.   Cork [IRE] (245.4)

35.   Plymouth (205.8)

36.   Surrey (204.1)

37.   Holloway (178.8)

38.   Glasgow (176.6)

39.   Chichester (176.0)

40.   Trinity [IRE] (175.5)

41.   Nottingham Trent (150.5)

42.   Reading (147.6)

43.   Lincoln (144.7)

44.   Strathclyde (144.5)

45.   Sheffield Hallam (139.2)

46.   Brighton (124.8)

47.   LSE (111.8)

48.   Swansea (107.3)

49.   Heriot-Watt (106.6)

50.   De Montford (98.1)

51.   Brunel (96.8)

52.   Aberystwyth (87.4)

53.   Bournemouth (86.9)

54.   Oxford Brookes (75.1)

55.   Essex (69.6)

56.   Hull (66.1)

57.   Cornwall (64.5)

58.   UWE (56.2)

59.   UAL (38.0)

60.   Leeds Met (28.6)

61.   Northumbria (28.1)

62.   Chester (25.6)

63.   Bedfordshire (25.6)

64.   Huddersfield (23.9)

65.   Anglia Ruskin (23.0)

66.   Roehampton (22.2)

67.   Keele (20.4)

68.   Cranfield (17.9)

69.   Aston (17.9)

70.   Salford (5.5)

Mohawk Emails

Kit/Hoody opportunity…

Hey Mohawks,

Brighton 1 are ordering new kit this year. You have the
opportunity to buy one of the new shirts we are ordering. As well as a hoody if
you like. The design is attached to this forum page:

(sorry, struggling with technology) so look at that for reference. I cannot
guarantee prices at the moment but what I can say is that two shirts and a pair
of shorts will be no more than £55 and will likely be less. The hoody with the
big logo on the back will be black with white printing and will cost £20.

If you would like to order something then please fill out the GDoc below before
Friday at 8.00pm. It’s a strict deadline so if you miss it you wont get
anything. You will not have to pay for 3 weeks but must order by the deadline.

The sizing below is compared to FIVE Ultimate sizing to help you decide.

sizing is: S – 36″, M – 38″, L – 40/42″, XL – 44″, 2XL – 46″

(Just to compare that with Five: S – 37.5″. M – 40.5″. L – 44″. XL – 47″. XXL -49)

The sizing for the hoodies:

Size S M L XL 2XL

Chest To Fit (Inches) 38 40-42 44-46 48 50-52
Actual Chest (cm) 102 112 122 132 142
Actual Length (cm) 66 69 71 74 76

The logo is property of 2D clothing ( we do not have
permission to use this in another form.

Any questions just ask Ashley, or myself.






Mohawk Emails

Reminder – team photo tomorrow!

Hello one and all,

Reminder that the team photo is tomorrow. Our slot is at 13:45 so this means that you’ve got to be in the common room at 13:30, dressed in full Mohawks kit (please bring both your red and black top). The photo is being taken in the Debating Chamber.

See you tomorrow at 13:30. Afterwards Felix will do the training as per the email he sent last week – vital that you’re there if you are going to be at trainings next year!

Ciao for now,

Mohawk Emails

Team Photo – Wednesday week 4 – 13:45

Hello one and all,

The big club photo (organised by the Union) this year will be on Wednesday 9th May (week 4) at 13:45. It costs £10 and you must bring this exact amount with you if you want to purchase a photo. They’re nice, well worth a tenner.

Bring full Mohawks kit (red and black tops, please) – captains bring trophies. If it is sunny we will be on the grass out the back of Falmer bar – leading over to Russell’s clump. If it is raining then it’ll be in the debating chamber (off of the common room in Falmer House). Therefore, please make sure that you’re about by 13:30, and not a second later. Then the creative ones among us can decide who is going to wear red, and who black etc etc.

Remind one another, too! I’m telling you this now so those at training tomorrow can tell each other about it for next week. If you cannot come then I can only apologise.

See you soon, don’t forget Fun Tuesdays is on at Preston Park, from 6pm (or so) until dark.



AGM Summary

Hey all,

Thanks for those that attended the AGM last Friday. Sorry we overran by about 25 minutes,  I did my best to keep it within 2 hours but these things inevitably carry on a little bit. Hopefully it was enjoyable for all and thanks for all of your feedback from the year and ideas going forward – we appreciate it all (all the time) so if you’ve over thoughts then let me know. It is important that the committee represents the club so its up to you do ask stuff of us!

Minutes and suchlike can her found here:

Please add comments to this forum topic:

Sorry about the lack of proper hyperlinks, just use your copy and paste functions. AND if your comments/thoughts are more specific then feel free to start a new topic on the Mohawk Discussion part of the forum.

One thing that you as members need to do is to nominate people to enter the Hall of Fame. If you’ve somebody in mind then please send them to me. If you are submitting somebody then please get a seconding (and a thirding I reckon) from people who agree with you that somebody should be included. Then the committee will vote on them and at the awards dinner announce who has been entered, with some sort of cap.

The email should be of this form:

I [your name], and [seconder’s/thirder’s names] would like to nominate [nominee’s name] to be entered into the Mohawks Hall of Fame.

The reasons are: bla bla bla

NB: I think we said that people entering the hall of fame should at least be leaving the club this year. Maybe we said a year AFTER they leave but that might be too long. So for now, don’t nominate anybody who is still going to be a student next year, but anybody leaving – feel free to nominate them! Or anybody who left a while back. I will let BU know soon, too.

That’s all from me for now. Congratulations and good luck new committee!


Mohawk Emails

AGM is tonight!

Hey all, AGM tonight, 7pm, Falmer House Room 126.
The AGM is for all club members whether you’re standing for a position or not. Therefore I really, really urge you to come and also drag any other Mohawks with you that you might see. There are only a finite number of excuses that I will accept but please do tell somebody if you’re not coming along, or, alternatively, just come along.
So, that’s Falmer House Room 126, 7pm, tonight.
Please, also, bring some biscuits. We will struggle to make tea in that room but biscuits can nearly make up for it, and if we all bring a packet of biscuits then we will all get to eat a packet of biscuits.
If you’ve any input for the AGM before the AGM (tonight at 7pm in Flamer House Room 126) then please email me: [email protected] and I will either read it out or discuss it with the committee before the AGM. Don’t be scared!
See you ALL tonight,
Mohawk Emails

AGM Reminder


Hopefully people have been reminding one another about the AGM tomorrow night from 7pm in Falmer House Room 126. It is above the Union shop in Falmer house.

That is:

Friday 27th April


Falmer House Room 126


OK. No excuses. Be there. I will attach a rough agenda to the forum post about it later on.

Tomorrow, 7pm, Falmer House Room 126.



Mohawk Emails

Training 25th April

Hey Guys

So we technically havn’t hired Russels clump any more, because it is after all our important tournaments so we don’t need to  train any more (apparantly!!) But I know some of you will still want to play some fun ultimate games and stuff 🙂 Can you just make sure that you go and play on Stanmer Park rather than the clump because we dont want to mess the pitches up 🙂  I think some of us experienced players will most probably be having to do stupid dissertations 🙁 But we are most definitely up for meeting in Falmer bar when you guys have finished playing to catch up and have some dinner 🙂

Hopefully see you all a bit later

Lucy xxx


A message from your delighted President

I’m not quite sure where to begin with this email, to be honest. Words cannot quite sum up how happy I was the instant the Open team won nationals this weekend just gone, and then not 10 minutes later for the Women to follow suit. The pandemonium was beyond what I knew possible – huge congratulations to all. Oh, and my father says: “Jolly good”.

As Taxi has said – we are the best university club in the country right now and nobody can deny that. Other universities have had “their time” or something like that but right now the time is ours. What we have to do is make sure that we keep the time being ours for the foreseeable future…

For now though, revel in the glory of this victory for the club. It is everybody’s win, not just those playing or spectating or looking at Twitter – every Mohawk out there is a part of this monumental achievement. So to all of you: enjoy the moment and celebrate.

I remember after our successes of last season Beezer wrote something about the importance of just how great we are and it is the same again this year. We heard from the sideline at one point during the finals “are Mohawks going to win everything again?” Yep. To win both the Open and Women’s division after the hassle of getting to Manchester is nothing short of miraculous and I cannot congratulate everybody enough.

Words are failing me right now, I cannot quite take in what we’ve achieved this year so for now I am going to sit back and smile, safe in the knowledge that we are the best, and long may it continue. I am humbled to be a member of this club and so proud of everybody. Thank you all, so much.

Once a Mohawk. Always a Mohawk.