“Mohawks reign supreme” The Badger
Badger article written by Mohawks open captain 2013/2014 Sam Airey.
Badger article written by Mohawks open captain 2013/2014 Sam Airey.
Things you can do to impress with zero effort
After some committee discussions in the past month, the committee have decided to bring in Charlie as Co-Events to help with Starzy to be someone on campus more (as Starzy will be off campus most of the time). We feel he is a dedicated member of Mohawks who was not previously planning on coming back this year (hence the late interest), and would be a great asset on the committee. If anyone is not happy with this decision, I will welcome all oppositions to it for the next week – please just email me at [email protected]. If there are none by August 20th, then we will welcome Charlie as an official member of the Committee as co-events.
Hello Everybody!
The Mohawks Awards Party is just 2 days away and I hope you are all excited. Please arrive at the King & Queen Pub for 7:30pm and go to the function suite in the upstairs area. I know its not the fanciest of venues but please still dress to impress and come along in your finest dresses, shirts, ties and suits to keep up the tradition!
Hopefully everyone has paid now, so your food and wine is all sorted as well as many surprises on the night. We have our own bar area to buy drinks as well.
I hope you are as excited as we are and we look forward to seeing you all on Saturday evening!!
Your Captains
Hi Hawks!
(Apologies to those receiving similar messages through other channels – need to cover all bases!)
Hope everyone’s deadlines have been handed safely in and revision is going well.
On Bank Holiday Monday 27th May 2013 we will be hosting a hat tournament right here in Brighton. A hat tournament is where everyone enters as individuals and teams are drawn at random. It’s a popular format in ultimate as it makes for fun games, spirited competition and is a great way to meet new players.
So there are two things:
Firstly, you should play! Not only will it be supporting your club’s event, but it will also give you the chance to meet some great players from around Brighton. It will be great chance to meet the Brighton Ultimate captains and start to get involved with the club. There is a huge ultimate community in Brighton and I’m hoping we can help to bring more people together with this event. It’ll also be great fun and a good break from studying.
Secondly, you should help out! There’s lots that can be done to help make the event a success – both on the day and in advance. It might be as easy as encouraging another Mohawk or a Panther or someone else to sign up and play, or by sharing, liking etc on Facebook. On the day there’ll be lots of odd jobs and I hope that all Mohawks will pitch it to make it work as the profits from the event will go to help the club next year (that’s money in your pocket!).
To play you need to register using the following form:
Mohawks Hat Registration
… and also pay the player fee of £7.50. For this you get an afternoon’s ultimate played on lined pitches, lunch, great prizes and great company. (Note that payment is to a different account from normal Mohawks activity, but rest assured it’s going to the club).
After you’ve paid and signed up there’s also the Facebook event which you should help to promote.
If I don’t see you before, I hope to see you on the 27th!
Afternoon Hawks,
You can now sign up for the Mohawks Awards Party 2013 by following this link.
Please can you:
The captains are very excited for this years event, so sign up now and don’t miss out as we promise it will be one hell of a night and quite different to previous years!
Good luck with assignments/exams and see you soon!
The Mohawks captains cordially invite you to….
When: Saturday 8th June 2013
Where: The Prince George Ballroom at Ye Olde King & Queen Public House, Brighton
Dress Code: Smart
We have decided to make our annual celebration a tad different this year to give you a fun filled evening to celebrate the achievements of the Mohawks in style. Don’t be fooled by the venue, we will still all be dressed to impress and party on through the night royal style!
It will only cost £25 per person including a 3 course banquet, wine on your table, a personal award for every attendee, a private bar, music, dancing, the best company you could hope for and more surprises on the night!
More information regarding confirming your attendance and payment will follow in the next few days.
We look forward to seeing you all for a right royal knees up!
Your loving captains
Here is the information for nationals.
We are leaving tomorrow afternoon at 4pm from the back of Falmer Bar. Please arrive at 3:45 so we can make sure everyone has arrived and all sorted.
Please try and pack as light as you can (preferably with only one bag) as the coach is going to be very tight for space. Attached is the accommodation room plan which is not going to change. Room Plan
**The rooms with 4 people in– one of you will need to bring a sleeping bag as there is only enough beds for 3 people**
I think everyone knows what to bring to tournaments by now but a few main things to remember:
Please everyone pay Ashley!! Some people still haven’t paid. Also, get SportsFed.
Mr A Yeo
Sort Code 30-96-83
Account Number 16932060
Once you have paid make sure you email [email protected] with your name, how much you have paid and your payment reference.
Any Questions get in touch via the usual methods: phone, email, fbook, telegram, fax.
Good Evening!
As most people know Nationals is finally here and many of us are heading off to Nottingham this weekend. We have paid a lot of money for travel, team fee, accommodation etc and now need people to start paying! It is going to cost people £40 which for everything we are getting is not that bad at all! (people who have already paid I will talk to you separately)
So, whether you are a squaw or 1st/2nd teams you need to transfer £40 to Ashley Yeo.
Account Details:
Mr A Yeo
Sort Code 30-96-83
Account Number 16932060
Once you have paid make sure you email [email protected] with your name, how much you have paid and your payment reference. A lot of people often don’t do this which makes it rather hard work for Ash so try and remember to email!
We are getting a big coach to Nottingham which is leaving around 4pm from campus on Friday afternoon but more information about this and accommodation room allocations will follow later in the week.
Varsity is this Wednesday at 2:30pm at falmer sports complex so come and support the team and have a splendid time. The AGM will be later in the afternoon also!
So to sum up this rather busy week, PAY ASH and attend Varsity and the AGM.
Peace out,
Hi all,
As tomorrow is a Wednesday we will be having an unofficial practice (unofficial since uni is “closed”), from 1pm on Stanmer Park (we don’t have the clump booked – please do not use it!).
See you there!