Monies still owed
Hey folks,
I’m sure you’re all aware about the extra money we need to pay for kit, unfortunately. Thanks to those who’ve paid. Plenty of people have not. According to Spoon’s ([email protected]) records the people on the bottom of this email have not yet paid. Please do so ASAP so that the club can breathe again.
Thank you.
In other news – go to an extra indoor session on Saturday – 10am-Midday. it’ll cost you £2 but be completely worth it. You’ll receive coaching and can work on throws and have a really useful time, so don’t miss out. It’ll get you out of bed, active and having lots of fun.
Also, charity tournament begins in 40mins. £2.50 for Sport Relief.
You can still order extra coloured kit (see and young women (born 1993 or later) should check this page: and ALL WOMEN should check this: about playing ultimate in the summer.
That’s all for me, the kit debt list is:
NB: Please, if you’re going to regionals, pay £25 for that, too.
Please pay:
Mr Callum Smith
Account No: 27175839
Sort code: 603009
I’ve just checked my statement and I definitely deposited the money on 17th February and sent an email to ‘merchandise’ and ‘finance’ from my gmail account saying:
Dear Callum and Spoon,
I have just paid £6.00 because I ordered 3 items of clothing…
My reference is: “Mohawk Kit Order”
Hope that is ok, let me know of any problems.
Let me know if you still can’t find the deposit but according to my records it went through…
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