Help the club. Pay in advance.
Hi all,
So this year we are trying to get as many people as possible to pay an advance sum of money to the club for your tournaments etc. The suggestion is you pay £100 to the bank details below and this is your credit. When you play a tournament, the fee will come out of this credit. All you need to do is top up when you run out. A list of who is in credit / debt will be published periodically so you can check it, or you can just ask Ash personally.
This will save us and the other captains from having no money until we get paid back for all the tournaments we have to pay for and it will save you from constantly being nagged. All the time. By all means pay more if you like and then you won’t have to worry about money until spring or even all year!
Once you have paid, email Ash ( [email protected] ) with your name, reference and amount paid. Just make sure you put [YOUR NAME] and TOURNAMENT MONEY in the reference.
The account number is 16932060 and sort code is 30-96-86.